Parent Partnership

We firmly believe that parents are the child’s most important educators. Parents know their children far better than anyone else and therefore it is only through a strong partnership with them, that we, the nursery, can fully meet your child’s needs.

From the very first visit we will ask you about your child and his/her likes and dislikes. We will ask about their favourite foods, any foods they do not like (or are unable to eat), sleep patterns, early words and any childhood illnesses. The more we can know and understand your child before the first nursery day, the easier the settling in period will be for us all.

Once your child starts at Woodstock we will continue to listen to you and ask your opinion as they grow and develop. At the end of each nursery day we will share information with you about their day; meals, toileting, sleep, activities and we ask you to do the same as you bring them to the nursery so that we can understand if they are tired one day or excited about a forthcoming family trip.

Throughout the time that your child attends Woodstock we will provide you with as much information as possible about nursery events through our Nursery App and the Parent Notice Board. Any personal information will be recorded in each child’s online record, to which you will have access, or discussed with you in person.

We will always value any comment from you whether it is a compliment or constructive criticism. With an open relationship between us we will be able to give your child the best possible care.

Photos shows Woodstock's garden full of nursery children, staff and parents during our family event in 2022
Photo shows our huge plastic catapillar among a big group of people at our Summer garden event in 2022

Family Days

These are planned several times a year on Saturdays and ALL our families are welcome to attend.
The original idea was to give our families a chance to meet each other and to meet the children who their child talks about at home – their nursery friends. Unlike a pre-school or school, where there is a set start and finish time for everyone, at nursery children arrive across a 2 hour period, and similarly, they are collected across a 2 hour period at the end of the day. The result being that you may never be at nursery at the same time as the parent/ carer of your child’s favourite friends.

The Family Days are very informal and they run around a theme for the morning. For example, in March we had a ‘Planting and Smoothies’ morning. In the garden the children and their parents helped us to plant our flower tubs and sow the seeds of this year’s vegetables. We are growing potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, peas, beans, rhubarb, lettuce and some herbs this year. We also have apple trees and a fig tree in the garden. Inside the children were chopping fruit and making healthy smoothies for us all to share. So the message was that we GROW our food, it does not all come from the supermarket!
Other ‘themes’ have been a Picnic and Games morning across on Beach Green. An Autumn morning to harvest the last of the fruit and vegetables from the garden and tidy the border, the flower tubs and vegetable boxes, while inside the children and parents were making bread to mark the Harvest season.
Please come and join us for our next Saturday. Dates will be published well in advance on the Nursery App.